Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Using technology with young children

The most important thing I learned from the three videos about using technology with young children is to clearly define what the students are to do, model it for them to see, and then be there to help facilitate their work. With the video on spiders, the teacher was actively involved in not only helping the students learn about spiders, but taught them how to use their technology equipment (cameras) so they could take pictures of spiders they found. The video with the kindergarten class taking the book ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?’ and applying that to vehicles by doing a book extension, which they put together on the computer. The teacher was there every step of the way for each student so they not only knew what was expected of them, but were able to get the help they needed. These two videos showed a great example of how to clearly direct students in their use of technology.

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